Web Development Complete Course

1 Enrolled
57 hours 58 minutes

About Course

Mega Web Development Course: Full stack web application

By the end of this course, you will be able to create advanced websites and web applications that include the following:

  • User system (user signup, user profile, user interactions, …)
  • Product systems (product categories, brands, product pages, orders, sales, …)
  • Showcases, blogs, and other kinds of webpages
  • And much more.

This course is designed for all levels and starts from zero to advanced levels of programming for web development. Each topic has three chapters beginner, intermediate, and advanced.

What Will You Learn?

  • • Having enough knowledge to create ANY website and web applications.
  • • Building over 20 small projects for your portfolio, and ready to apply for junior developer jobs.
  • • Creating one master project which includes a product system, user system, brands, categories, and admin panel.
  • • Master front-end by using HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
  • • Master back-end by using Python and Django.
  • • Work as a freelancer web developer.
  • • Able to use and work with AWS.
  • • Master the latest, most popular, and most demanded programming skills.


  • • No programming experience is needed. You will learn everything from scratch, and all tools are provided.


  • • People who want to work as web developers.
  • • People who have great ideas for advanced websites and web applications.
  • • People who want to work as freelancer developers.
  • • Beginner and intermediate web developers are looking to improve their skills.

Course Content


  • Introduction
  • How to use the course.
  • Install requirements.

HTML Beginner


Blemiss EDU

Blemiss EDU

8 Students
7 Courses
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