Complete UI/UX, Figma Course

1 Enrolled
120 hours 45 minutes

About Course

Using the latest best practices in Web Design and Mobile Design as well as User Interface and User Experience Design (UI/UX), this course focuses on efficiently getting you from zero to a point where you can get hired or win freelance contracts. We will use in-demand tools like Figma to show you a full workflow from start to finish. Graduates of Andrei’s courses are now working at Google, Tesla, Amazon, Apple, IBM, JP Morgan, Facebook, + other top tech companies.

The course also includes 100+ assets and premium design templates that you can keep and use to customize for all your future projects. We guarantee you this is the most comprehensive online resource on Design skills!

What Will You Learn?

  • 01 GETTING STARTED – Sketching, Inspiration + Structure
  • • 1. Sketching
  • o Introduction To Sketching
  • o The Sketching Process
  • o Sketching User Flows
  • o Sketching Tips
  • • 2. Inspiration
  • o How to stay inspired
  • o How to find inspiration online
  • • 3. Figma Basics
  • o Plans and Signup
  • o Where to Use Figma
  • o Figma UI — Structure
  • o Figma UI — Files
  • o Figma UI — Toolbar
  • o Figma UI — Left Sidebar
  • o Figma UI — Right Sidebar
  • o Shapes and Tools — Frames
  • o Shapes and Tools — Groups
  • o Shapes and Tools — Basic Shapes and Boolean Operations
  • o Designing in Figma — Images
  • o Designing in Figma — Getting Started with Text
  • o Designing in Figma — Constraints
  • o Designing in Figma — Using Auto Layout
  • o Designing in Figma — Auto Layout Properties
  • o Resources and Collaboration — Community Files
  • o Resources and Collaboration — Community Plugins
  • o Resources and Collaboration — Sharing and Comments]
  • o Project — Creating a Logo Using Basic Shapes
  • o Project — Auto Layout Buttons
  • o Project — Creating a Responsive Navigation
  • o Project — Responsive Text
  • o Project — Imagery and Gradients
  • o Project — Strokes and Shapes
  • o Project — Layout and Responsiveness
  • • 3. User Flows
  • o Getting Ready For This Section
  • o The DOs and DON’Ts
  • o User Flows in Figma — Onboarding
  • o User Flows in Figma — Search
  • • 4. Sitemaps
  • o Introduction To Sitemaps
  • o Creating A Basic Sitemap
  • o Reusable Sitemap Assets
  • o Figma Check-In — Basic Components and Variants
  • o Sitemaps in Figma — The Top Layer
  • o Sitemaps in Figma — Digging Deeper
  • o Tips for Creating Great Sitemaps
  • 02 EXPLORE AND ITERATE – Wireframes, Prototyping, and Feedback
  • • 1. Wireframes
  • o What Is A Wireframe?
  • o How To Create A Wireframe
  • o Figma Check-In — Basic Button Component]
  • o Figma Check-In — Variants
  • o How to Use Our Wireframe Components
  • o Wireframes — Home
  • o Wireframes — Cart
  • o Wireframes — Profile
  • • 2. Prototyping
  • o Figma Check-In — Prototyping in Figma
  • o Prototyping in Figma — Flows and Starting Points
  • o Prototyping in Figma — Connections
  • o Prototyping in Figma — Interactions
  • o Prototyping in Figma — Animations
  • o Prototyping in Figma — Prototype Settings
  • o Prototyping in Figma — Prototype Presentation
  • o Project — Navigation
  • o Project — Removing an Item from Your Wishlist
  • o Project — Finding a Product
  • • 3. Getting feedback
  • o Why Is Feedback Important?
  • o Constructive Feedback
  • 03 VISUAL DESIGN – Design Theory + Accessibility
  • • 1. Spacing and Grids
  • o What Is A Grid?
  • o Grid Basics
  • o Figma Check-In — Fixed and Fluid Grids
  • o Figma Check-In — Breakpoints
  • o Figma Check-In — Grid Style
  • o Project — Mobile Layout Grid
  • o Project — Desktop Layout Grids
  • o Simple Rules to Follow
  • • 2. Typography
  • o Serifs
  • o Sans Serifs
  • o Display & Mono
  • o Picking Typefaces
  • o Figma Check-In — Text Properties
  • o Exercise — Elevating a Brand
  • o Exercise — Typeface Scenarios
  • o Exercise — Google Fonts
  • o Project — Typeface Exploration
  • o Project — Pairing Font Families
  • o Project — Headings, Body, and Labels
  • o Project — Typeface System
  • o Figma Check-In — Text Styles
  • • 3. Color
  • o Color Schemes
  • o Important Questions To Ask
  • o Creating Color Palettes
  • o Figma Check-In — Paints
  • o Exercise — Expanding Upon a Strict Color Palette
  • o Exercise — Creating a Color Palette
  • o Figma Check-In — Color Styles
  • o Exercise — Using Color Styles
  • o Project — Primary and Neutrals
  • o Project — Accents
  • • 4. Imagery and Iconography
  • o Visual Assets Introduction
  • o Figma Check-In — Image Plugins
  • o Figma Check-In — Image Styles
  • o Figma Check-In — Masks
  • o Exercise — Image Exploration
  • o Exercise — Text and Imagery Working Together
  • o Figma Check-In — Illustration Plugins
  • o Exercise — Adding illustrations to your designs
  • o Figma Check-In — Icon Plugins
  • o Figma Check-In — Pen Tool
  • o Exercise — Custom Icons with the Pen Tool
  • • 5. Forms + UI Elements
  • o What Are Forms + UI Elements?
  • o Best Practices — Forms
  • o Best Practices — Basic and Advanced Inputs
  • o Best Practices — Inputs
  • o Best Practices — Buttons
  • o Figma Check-In — Component Properties
  • o Properties vs. Variants
  • o Figma Check-In — Button Component Properties
  • o Figma Check-In — Button Variants
  • o Figma Check-In — Combining Components
  • o Figma Check-In — Form Component Possibilities
  • o Project — Registration Flow
  • • 6. Accessibility
  • o What Is Accessibility?
  • o Assistive Technologies
  • o Visual Patterns For Accessibility
  • o Tools To Make Your Design Accessible
  • 04 DESIGN EXPLORATION – Application Design + Design Systems
  • • 1. Design Patterns
  • o What Are Design Patterns?
  • o Why Are Design Patterns Valuable?
  • o How To Apply Design Patterns
  • o Analyzing Design Patterns
  • o Dissecting And Choosing Design Patterns
  • • 2. Mobile Design
  • o Mobile Design Best Practices
  • • 3. Visual Style and Exploration
  • o Design Fidelity
  • o Visual Exploration — Navigation
  • o Visual Exploration — Buttons
  • o Figma Check-In — Effect Styles
  • o Visual Exploration — Product Cards
  • o Visual Exploration — Text Cards
  • o Screen Design — Home
  • o Screen Design — Product Page
  • • 4. Motion and Microinteractions
  • o The Importance Of Motion
  • o Why Are Microinteractions Important?
  • o What Is A micro-interaction?
  • o Figma Check-In — Intro to Smart Animate
  • o Figma Check-In — Smart Animate Properties
  • o Exercise — Parallax
  • o Exercise — New Message
  • o Exercise — Overlays
  • o Figma Check-In — Interactive Components
  • o Exercise — Interactive Buttons
  • o Project — Parallax Welcome Screen
  • o Project — Drag Onboarding
  • o Project — Cart Overlay
  • o Project — Button micro-interaction
  • 05 PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER – Using our Design System and Hi-Fi prototyping with Figma
  • • 1. Design Systems
  • o Foundational Styles and Components vs. Product-Specific Components
  • o Building Fidelity and Organizing Potential Components and Styles
  • o Foundational Styles and Components
  • o Components — Buttons
  • o Components — Cards
  • o Components — Headers
  • o Components — Inputs
  • o Components — List Items
  • o Components — Navigation
  • o Components — Misc. Elements
  • • 2. Execution
  • o Working Towards Our Final Designs
  • o Execution — Introduction Screen
  • o Execution — Onboarding Screens
  • o Execution — Registration Screens
  • o Execution — Home Screen
  • o Execution — Wishlist Screens
  • o Execution — Profile Screen
  • o Execution — Cart and Checkout
  • o Prototypes — Registration
  • o Prototypes — Adding to Cart
  • o Prototypes — Checkout
  • o Prototypes — Lottie Files Plugin
  • o Prototypes — Search and Filters


  • • No requirements. We teach you and show you everything from scratch! From Zero to Mastery
  • • Get ready to fall in love with Design and make everything you touch into beautiful projects for the rest of your life!


  • • Anyone who wants to start a Web or Mobile Design business on the side as a freelancer or work as a designer at a company
  • • Web Developers and Mobile Developers want to add another valuable skill to their tool belt.
  • • Anyone who wants to get hired as a Web Designer, Mobile Designer, UI/UX Designer
  • • Anyone who wants to learn about the latest CSS3 features like Flexbox, CSS Grid, and CSS Variables, as well as HTML5.

Course Content

Section 1

  • Introduction
  • Course_Outline
  • Meeting_The_Client
  • The_2_Paths
  • Exercise_Building_Your_Logo
  • Designer_vs_Developer
  • Skills_To_Be_A_Top_Designer
  • Introduction_To_Sketching
  • The_Sketching_Process
  • Sketching_User_Flows
  • Sketching_User_Flows_2
  • Sketching_User_Flows_3
  • Sketching_User_Flows_4
  • Sketching_Tips
  • How_To_Stay_Inspired
  • How_To_Find_Inspiration
  • Introduction
  • Plans_and_Signup
  • Where_to_use_Figma.
  • Figma_UI_Structure

Section 2

Section 3

Section 4

Section 5

Section 6

Section 7

Section 8

Section 9

Section 10

Section 11


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Blemiss EDU

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7 Courses
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